My Ubuntu experience part II :

Later I felt that i was fine working in the new OS though it was only a few hours working in it.Although it was upto the windows experience and even surpassed it in some things,the only thing that i felt the need was in gaming.All the latest games were made only for windows and so i had no option rather than to play the builtin games or do nothing at all while i download stuffs or for time pass.

Then was the time when i stumbled upon wine.It was a windows emulation tool.I installed some of my favourite windows apps in it.Unfortunately the games that i tried would not work.

Then i found virtual box which is a virtualization software and installed XP in it.It was just ok for me working in windows inside linux.For some reason i dint like it - the main thing being taking up my precious RAM.

In the mean time,my friend had been using Open SUSE (remembered its name now),and he too had been having some great time.He said about the YAST thing that can control all the things in OS.I wanted to try that linux distro too but i was unwilling to start all over again.I had been using GNOME while he prefered using KDE.

I had mixed opinions about having to type the password for each and every system access.While it offered security,it was not convenient.

Then i thought about updating my OS through automatic updates as i dont do it for windows.It had about 300 MB worth downlaods ready for me.I downloaded only those things that i would use.

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